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Kathy Mosole - St. Mary CSS (PVNCCDSB)

I am hosting a Google Meets twice a week at 9 am for any of my staff who wish to join me (Coffee with Cathy).

And I just opened a @chatty_chaplain Instagram that I will open up to my community today and any of you or yours for some humour and inspiration during this time :)


Krista Wood - CEC (Niagara CDSB)

Unable to gather for our system wide Faith Day, I developed a virtual retreat for staff to take part in. It could be done individually, as a small group by department, or where space allowed as a whole staff. Was well received so we are in the process of developing additional staff virtual retreats. 

WEBSITE  Virtual Retreat

Best Practices


David Patterson - St. Edmund Campion S.S. (Dufferin-Peel CDSB)

Catholify and Chews Life created a “virtual living rosary” with over 70 Catholic leaders in the video.  It is really well done.


I shared it on our chaplaincy google classrooms encouraging our students to pray the rosary.

WEBSITE Virtual Rosary


Dominc Pullano - Retired (Durham CDSB)

PDF  Reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent: Lent & Covid-19

PDF Reflection for Holy Week: Lent & Covid-19


Celia Ieradi - Madonna CSS (Toronto CDSB)

PDF  Reflection


Maureen Dufour - St. Paul CHS (Ottawa CSB)

Just a few days ago, this was forwarded to me from a friend who works with Emmaus Productions.

It has some really lovely videos and prayers that are part of the whole package.

WEBSITE  Spiritual Resource Kit 


Ivan Canjar - Associate Member (No Board Affiliation)

PDF  Prayer

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